Content Management System

The Internet Platform’s Content Management System (CMS) is a software application that supports the creation and modification of digital content. Our CMS contains a wide range of features that allow you to manage and update your website with new pages, fresh content, Blog post, new images and much more without the need to do any coding.


  • Pages: You can add new pages and modify current pages. Updating can be in the form of adding text, images, videos, forms, tables and linking to files such as PDFs and Word documents, etc.
  • Blog: Posting regularly to your Blog is a great way to generate website traffic and keep your users coming back for more.
  • Testimonials: Easily add testimonials into our dedicated database which can be displayed for your clients.
  • Galleries: Create multiple galleries for your portfolio, venues, events, etc. for your guests to view. Using our Gallery System, you can display summaries on your home page that the user can click on to view the full exhibit.
  • Forum: An online discussion board where you or your guests can post topics to start conversations and encourage opinions.
  • Author: You can attach an author to a blog post, testimonial, gallery, or forum topic, displaying their photograph, name, business, email address, and/or website alongside the content. With approved permission, your visitors can also post their own blog posts, testimonials, galleries, or forum topics directly to your database.
  • Categories: You can create categories and tags for your blog posts, galleries and forum topics to assist your customers to easily find and identify your blog posts and galleries.
  • Publish/Archive: Using the publish/archive features allow you to control when your blog posts, testimonials, galleries and forum topics are visible on your website.
  • Templates: Have your graphic artist design your initial template or skin based on your company/product branding. You are then able to easily duplicate and/or edit this template to suit your needs. For example, you could use a single template for your website or why not setup multiple templates with perhaps different colour schemes or header image for separate sections of your website.
  • Menus: Create multiple menus and sub-menus and include them in your templates or pages. You can use the same menu in different areas and give them different styles and different layouts such as vertical or horizontal menus with drop-down sub-menus. Each menu item can have an image or icon as well as some descriptive text.
  • Snippets: Small region of reusable html content in pages and templates to help make editing easy.
  • Easy to Use and Manage: You don't need to know any programming at all. If you use a word processor, then you can use this CMS. Maintaining your blog, testimonial and gallery database is easy using the online editor.
  • No Limits: It allows you to add/edit unlimited web pages, menus, enquiry forms, and even the templates for your website. There are no limits to the number of blog posts, testimonials, galleries or forum topics you can add as well as the number of images you add to a gallery.
  • Optimised: In addition, the CMS is designed to be search engine friendly with search engine friendly URLs or page names and gives you the ability to optimise the content and meta information such as title, description and keywords yourself.
  • Improve Ranking: It allows you to keep your content fresh and up to date with regular updates. Use the site map generator to generate a site map designed for the search engines, allowing them to find data faster and more efficiently. It is basically a document that lists the pages in the site. (for example: sitemap.xml). Once you have created your site map for the search engines you can use our inbuilt tool to submit it to the major search engines (such as Google and Bing). Your site will be added to their list to be later index by the search engine robots, also known as spiders or crawlers. Doing this will help improve your ranking with the search engines.
    By creating regular blog posts will help keep your content fresh and up to date which can help improve your ranking with the search engines such as Google and Bing. Gaining exposure for your blog is critical to building a following, readership, and revenue. Besides the basic SEO steps of adding compelling and keyword friendly titles, URL structure and descriptions, basic link building for blogs begins with listing them in blog directories. When you post an article to the blog, the software will submit it to many blogging directories on the Internet such as Technorati which the search engines like Google and Bing frequently index. This means you can be found faster and have an improved search engine ranking.
  • Summaries: On a side banner on your pages, a headline, short summary and image of your blog posts, testimonials, galleries, or forum topics can be displayed and when clicked leads the user to the full article. They can be set up to display a given number or articles in the latest order or a random selection. For example, the latest 3 blog posts or 2 random testimonials.
  • RSS Feed: Your customers wishing to view new content on your website without having to go there to check if any has been added, can subscribe to an RSS feed on your site using a feed reader (most internet browsers have them built in). The feed reader periodically checks for updates, downloads them and provides a user interface for your customers to monitor and read the feeds. (for example: rssfeed/).
    Your blog, testimonials, galleries and forum are also a RSS Feed. Your customers can subscribe to the feed. Updated information from the feed is automatically downloaded to their computer and can be viewed in their browser and other programs.
  • URL Redirects: When you rename a page, a redirection will be created to go from the old URL to the new one. You can also add redirections for missing URLs.
  • File Manager: With the file manager, you can upload, download, view, rename, move and remove files from the server. You can also resize images.
  • Multiple Languages / Locations: The system can be displayed for different languages or even different locations, for example English/Australia. It also has the ability to detect the users preferred language and location settings from their browser, then direct them to either another page within the site or another website altogether, displayed in their preferred language and/or location.
  • Commenting: Readers of your blog posts, testimonials, galleries and forum topics can add comments if you allow them to do so. You can select which articles you would like to receive comments on. You can also set it so that comments need to be approved by you before they are visible by others. Getting feedback on your articles can be very valuable to your business.
  • Rate This: Will allow you to add a star rating to your blog posts, testimonials, galleries and forum topics. Your visitors can click on the star rating to rate the article themselves.
  • Access Anywhere: As our Content Management System is accessed online via an administration area, you can update your site from any computer anywhere in the world.
  • Administration: And you can add and remove users whom can administer your website.
  • Secure Content: Integration with the Membership Management System will allow you to manage a ‘members only’ section, accessible via a password, to provide additional value for members and reward them for their continued support.
  • Save Time & Money: If the website content needs to be updated regularly, this can be expensive and a Content Management System will not only save you money but also give you the flexibility to make changes immediately.
  • Static vs Dynamic: Convert your dynamic pages (pages saved in the database) to static pages (pages stored as files such as home.htm) for fast loading. This will also allow you to modify the dynamic page and make sure it is correct before outputting to the static page which the public can see.
  • Delete or Archive: You can delete pages when no longer relevant or how about archiving just in case you want to reference it someday.

As you can see The Internet Platform CMS provides everything you need to easily develop world-class business and personal websites. When combined with the other components on the platform you can quickly leverage all these systems to improve your website results.

Latest Software Updates

Update 5.43.0

New: Publics.GenerateHTMLSchema(Array) will return a schema object based on the parameter array. This can be included in the Template.Metadata using the merge code option in the HTML editor.

New: MenuItem.Follow added which determines if search engine bots should follow this link for indexing.

New: When administrator is logged in and they are go to SelectUser then the system will direct them to CheckForRegistration if that is what the InitalUserAccessPoint is set to.

New: Default display name changed for VisibleServiceTimes to "Calendar" and VisibleServiceTime to "Service Time".

New: Application.RequestTimeout added which determines how long a request runs before timing out.

New: Both Site.Check and Site.Scan now require a parameter MaximumDuration which indicates how long the function should run before stopping. Application.RequestTimeout is increased if MaximumDuration is set longer.

New: Site.CheckScanAndRepeat now takes two parameters BatchDuration which indicates how long the function should run before stopping and BatchInterval which indicates how long before the function restarts. Application.RequestTimeout is increased if BatchDuration is set longer. If the function stops before completing and automated task is scheduled to run the funtion again after the interval specified.

New: A URL version of image properties has been added to the items which essentially returns the absolute path to the image. Examples, Article.ImageURL, Brand.LogoURL and User.PhotographURL.

New: When submitting a form the disabled window overlay indicating "Please wait while processing..." appears to stop users from refreshing or closing.

New: All database ntext columns converted to nvarchar(max).

New: SetURLParameter(URL, Name, Value) is now available to the script engine.

New: Optional parameters in BusinessCollection.ToObjectArray(ItemExpression, [TopCount], [Randomise], [Page]) BusinessCollection.ToStringArray(ItemExpression, [TopCount], [Randomise], [Page]).

New: ReadOnly Property Attachment.AbsoluteURL returns the URL with the absolute path if missing.

New: ReadOnly Property BusinessCollectionItem.FormattedID returns the ID formatted such as ID 1965 would return "id0000001965" 123456789 would return "id0123456789".

Fix: When added a new item with an image or other type of file, it would place that file in the wrong path.

Fix: PageImage did not always include the absolute path.

Fix: When administrator is logged in and booking for another user it would ask for the user again after specifying attendees.

Fix: Access denied when a user tried to view own bookings.

Fix: Error on Application.UserTimeZone when the Application.UserCountry is not detected. In this case the base time zone is returned.

Fix: Error when adding a new ServiceBookingEmail.

Fix: Could not find path of custom properties or methods.

Fix: user-default.aspx updated to use BusinessObject.RelativeURL([Member]).

Update 5.42.0

New: Inology.Core.NameValueCollection now implements iDictionary.

New: Application.UserTimeZone now gets the time zone from the IP info of the client IP address when possible, otherwise uses UserCountry.DefaultTimeZone.

New: PageURL, PageLanguage and ApplicationTitle are now included as merge properties.

Fix: Application.GetDefaultTemplate did not find correct template for custom business objects or methods.

Fix: Application.GenerateMembershipRenewalOrders regenerated an invoice in certain circumstances due to time zone conversions.

Fix: Application.ConvertPageTypeURL did not return correct path in certain circumstances.

Fix: Error on output when a property or method returned HTML that already had a DTD.

Update 3.21.0

New: One Time Passcode (OTP) has been added as a new method of Human Verification. If selected as the method, a [Request Code] button will be show and when clicked will request a passcode from the server to be sent to the user's email address.